CAIRO – 22 October 2021: The Youth Love Egypt (YLE) Foundation organized a bike racing ( EGypt Climate Justice Action- 15km) in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria on Friday, ahead of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow due to convene on 31 October – 12 November 2021.
The racing, which was co-organized by 3agal Masr and Cycle Egypt, took place in the area between Alexandria Bibliotheque and the historic Qaitbay Citadel, with the participation of 30 people.
The Youth Love Egypt is the national coordinator of the African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA). Such events take place in the 45 African countries that are members of this alliance.
The bike racing aims to urge the leaders who will gather at the COP26 Summit to achieve “climate justice” towards the African continent, in terms of funding to adapt climate changes in the continent.
This event is part of a group of activities carried out by the Foundation to promote and prepare for the COP26 Summit. It also aims at encouraging eco-friendly sports that reduce carbon emissions.