Hydroelectric Power

Hydroelectric Power

1. What is hydroelectric power?

Hydroelectric power is electricity generated from the potential energy of falling or fastflowing water converted into mechanical energy by turbines and then into electrical energy by generators.

2. How significant is hydroelectric power as a renewable energy source?

Hydroelectric power is the most widely used form of renewable energy, accounting for over 18% of global power generation capacity in 2019.

3. How does a hydroelectric power plant work?

Water is stored at a higher elevation and released through penstocks to a lower elevation. The falling water rotates turbines, which drive generators to produce electricity. Transformers increase the voltage for transmission. The structure housing turbines and generators is called the powerhouse.

4. How do dams contribute to hydroelectric power generation?

Dams impound rivers, creating a higher water level (head) for greater power generation. Powerhouses can be built into the dam or on its side. Dams also help regulate water flow.

5. What are pumped-storage hydroelectric stations?

These stations store excess power by pumping water to a higher reservoir during off-peak hours. During peak demand, the water is released to generate electricity.

6. How does tidal power relate to hydroelectric power?

Tidal power plants use the rise and fall of tides to impound water and generate electricity through turbines.

7. What are the advantages of hydroelectric power compared to fossil fuels and nuclear power?

Hydroelectric power is renewable, produces no thermal pollution, and can be generated in areas with abundant water resources and hilly terrain.

8. What are the environmental impacts of hydroelectric power?

Dams can disrupt fish migration, submerge ecosystems, and displace communities. Additionally, hydroelectric power is vulnerable to water scarcity, as exemplified by the shutdown of Oroville Dam in 2021 due to drought.

9. Additional Resources

  • https://www.britannica.com/science/hydroelectric-power
  • https://www.energy.gov/eere/water/howhydropowerworks#:~:text=Hydropower%2C%20or%20hydroelectric%20power%2C%20is,or%20other%20body%20of%20water.